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Follow here our most recent publications in specialized reviews and in the media.



Plans for the Prevention of Corruption-Related Risks in the Public Sector

Addresses the emergence and evolution of the Plan for the Prevention of Corruption-Related Risks, thereby seeking to contribute to the clarification
of the underlying risk mapping exercise and to the critical assessment of the formal and material requirements that such plans must observe.


The Mysterious Disappearance of the Anti-Corruption Act

Deals with the process underlying the approval and enactment of Decree-Law No. 109-E/2021, which contains the General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption. Published weeks prior to the enactment of the act.

Aplicação normas prescrição procedimento penal

Lisbon Law School Review

Temporal scope of application of limitation statutes in the purview of criminal proceedings

Handles the tension between the ius puniendi attributed to the State and its limits. Particularly focuses on the material and procedural barriers of criminal prosecution.

Council of Europe Manual

Liability of Legal Persons for Corruption Offences

Initially published in 2014 and then updated in May 2020, this publication provides an overview of international standards and comparative practices in the establishment and implementation of the liability of legal persons for acts of corruption. The Handbook is designed to encourage jurisdictions considering introducing or updating their corporate liability regimes to do so in line with emerging trends in this area.

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